
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pre-ALPHA 2.2

Hello e'rryone,

    So, one of my weaknesses is losing track of time when I'm doing something I enjoy, like coding. I ended up working through the night and accomplished probably 3 to 5 days worth of work. I think that's enough to call this Pre-ALPHA 2.2 even though 2.1 was announced a few hours ago! Here's what I've added:

    First off, I created a proper GUI working with XML. It was a bit easier than I anticipated. It displays a crosshair, the player level, player health, and player experience points (all of which are stored in the PLAYER object!). I even added nifty colors. But it gets cooler...

    When you are within a certain distance of other players and you look at them, your crosshair will display the player's name (entered by the user when connecting to the server)! This was very tricky to figure out, and I had doubts about my ability to do it at all. You can also see another feature of the health system I added. The color of your health changes as you get weaker or stronger. If you see above, it starts out green. But wait, there's still more...

    The INVENTORY SCREEN... is TOTALLY blank! But it's there! Pressing the TAB key toggles between your regular HUD and your inventory screen. I have yet to populate it with awesome data as of yet, but I was not expecting to have a functioning visual for it ready for at least a week!

    Next to work on is the Escape Menu, and the Main Menu can wait for now. Once the escape menu is done and I work some more on the inventory screen, I will be very close to Pre-ALPHA 3. If it's shaping up well at that point, I may be ready to release a few copies as a teaser! Or maybe as a donation incentive... =o

Thank you for your support everyone! Your kind words make a difference!

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