
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Massive Menu/Inventory Update

Hey guys!

    I've been hard at work implementing and coding lots of Menu stuff, and I finally have some significant things to show for it. But let's start off boring, shall we? Here is a picture of the first version of the ESCAPE MENU!

Pretty plain, right? Well, I'll be working on that later. Currently, the "Back To Game" button is not functioning due to an engine bug that's being fixed very soon. Until then, only the "Esc" button will properly return to the game! The Options button does nothing as of yet, but soon it will open up, you guessed it, an Options menu where you can adjust mouse sensitivity and display settings and whatnot. And, you guessed it, the Exit button closes the program.

    I'd say that implementing the game's first "Pause Screen" is pretty significant, but in my humble opinion, it's nothing compared to what I have to show you next. Ladies and Gentlemen, the INVENTORY MENU!

"It's blank," you're thinking. Yes, it is, but it is more exciting than that. This is how your player will start off. You have 34 slots for unique inventory items. If you get more than one of a given object, it will stack. The only part of this menu that isn't complete is the box labeled "STATS". Once I figure out more of the game mechanics, I'll configure that into a neat little information box about whatever item you're holding. 

    So let's kick it up a notch, shall we? Let's give the player an item or two! As you can see to the right, I've created (with the expert help of Sarah), two simple test items for the game and given them to our default player. You'll see that those item names now appear on our menu. When you click on them, the item is displayed at the bottom of the screen. On the left, you see its picture. In the center, you can see the item's name displayed proudly. Underneath that, the description of the item is displayed (up to four lines). As I stated previously, the "STATS" section needs to be configured, but I thought I'd wait until I knew more about the game mechanics to set that up. This inventory screen may change a bit, but this is pretty much how it will appear for at least my first ALPHA release. Just note that these are quirky joke items, and they will obviously not be included. ;)

    But wait! There's more! Once you click on an item (as above), it becomes your "Selected Item". You can then click on an inventory space and equip that item to your person. You can only equip items to the slots in which they belong, and if you click on an equipped item to the left, it will display the details of that item at the bottom of the screen. Take a gander:

The system also keeps track of what items are equipped and which ones aren't, so you can not equip the same item twice, or to multiple slots.

    I'm very proud of the work I have to showcase here today! Another few tweaks and additions, and I might be ready to step it up to Pre-ALPHA 2.3. Looks like we're getting very close to that custom item creation a few of you donated for a few weeks ago! Speaking of which, it seems that everybody wants more Donation Incentives, so I'll work on coming up with a few cool ones and I'll let you know. But for now, I'm off to bed!

G'night all!

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