
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good News and Bad News

Hello e'rryone,

    So I just finished coding what I was talking about last night. It does, in fact work. That is - it does work for at least one connected client. When I attempt to connect a second user, it crashes. Now I'm not certain if this is because I'm connecting twice from the same connection or not. This would make sense, because I'm getting an error deserializing messages on the client (decoding messages from the server), and the server is sending out the SAME message to the SAME IP at the SAME time TWICE. So I'll be running a test on that. Worst case, another day of coding. Best case, it works.

    So I have a new poll for y'all. It's regarding the battle system! So, there are two ways I'm thinking of running the battle system. They both have their pros and cons, and in the end, unfortunately, I think I'm just going to pick what I think will work best for game play, but I'm still interested in hearing your thoughts! I will most definitely take the poll into account. Here are the options:

  • Integrated
An integrated battle system means there are monsters roaming around the world freely. When you encounter them, you can fight them, ignore them, etc. Some monsters may choose to engage you if you get too close. 

Pros: More Realistic
Cons: More Potential for Bugs

  • Battle Sequence
A "Battle Sequence" would mean a battle system in which you are engaged in either random encounters, or storyline encounters. When an encounter begins, you will enter a battle sequence in which there is a fixed camera, and semi-turn-based combat (similar to Final Fantasy 7-8 combat seen here at about 0:25).

Pros: Less Potential to Break, Easier to get Loot, Easier to Animate, Better UI (User Interface)
Cons: Less Realistic

As you can tell, I lean toward a Battle Sequence, myself. Let me know what you think. Leave a comment, all you anonymous voters!


  1. Wasnt this a stealth game? o.o wheres monsters come from? or Stealth Sci-Fi?

  2. My bad read previous posts. If you want to add the stealth to the rpg aspects of the game, incorporate a sneak system, bonus damage for surpise attacks, instant-kill assassinations based on skill level and a percentage, etc. Just my thoughts.
