
Thursday, July 19, 2012



    I've implemented what I believed to be a fix to the previous issue, but now I'm having errors all over the place! I'm in contact with one of the developers of the engine I'm using, and we're attempting to sort it all out together. (It's all networking stuff!)

    On the plus side, I created a simple server GUI (Graphic User Interface)!

And I nicknamed the project Q-Fang (Quest - For a new game). Yes, I know it's sorta cheesy. Anyway, I hope that by tomorrow I can get everything working. Then I get to carry on to more fun things like menus!

    Also, a big thank you to everyone who's still sending in donations! I'm eventually going to have to pay to get some good monster/character models in-game, and I can't pay for all that out of my own pocket!

Wish me luck (again)!

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